Age Friendly Cold Lake is a local volunteer-driven organization working to help Cold Lake become an engaging and supportive community for all of us as we get older. Funded by the Seniors and Housing Ministry of the Government of Alberta and supported by Cold Lake and District Family and Community Support Services, Age Friendly Cold Lake will spend the next year working with our residents to help Cold Lake become age friendly.
The World Health Organization has defined an age-friendly community as one that has planned around 8 priority domains that describe what older people need in order to maintain active, healthy and productive lives within their communities. Because getting older is a lifelong process, an age-friendly community is not just “elderly-friendly,” as changes made to enhance community life for older people also enhance community life for children, families, people with disabilities of all ages and all of us.
We’re going to change the conversation about aging. We’re challenging the negative “getting old sucks” stereotype because it is harmful in every way to people of all ages, even children. We’ll do this by taking the conversation to the streets, to schools, to businesses, and organizations in our city.
From our conversations, we’re going to create a plan that will give local organizations and decision makers an informed place to start when making decisions that will impact older people in our community.
We’re also planning programs that are of interest and benefit to everyone as they get older. These programs will develop over time and we would love to hear from you about what you think would make Cold Lake age-friendly.
While working on changing the conversation and creating an overall plan for the community, we’re also working with our partners to create specific initiatives that are supportive of our identified priorities. For example, we’re actively working to establish a Men’s Shed, a place where men can drop in anytime for activities such as woodworking, cooking, bike repairs, music or anything else that seems interesting as well as providing a place to yell at the television during the playoffs!
Isolation is a massive concern to us, so we’re developing programs to connect with older people who spend too much time on their own. If you have an older family member or friend who would benefit from better connection, please let us know. We are currently developing the following programs to address isolation and will expand in the future as resources allow:
a program to remember older people at Christmas.
a program to visit older people in their homes.
lunches for those who want to make new friends.
Dates & location to be announced
Because people aren’t like eggs or yogurt.
We don’t have Best Before dates!
We’ll be setting up our display in a variety of locations throughout the year. Stop by for a chance to enter a draw for some Age Friendly Cold Lake swag and to learn more about us.
Check us out on Facebook at Age Friendly Cold Lake to learn more and to provide us with feedback.
Ask us any questions, request more information, start planning an age friendly event/presentation, or provide us with any feedback you have about how we can make our community more age friendly by filling out the information below.